Hakgala Royal Botanical Garden

Hakgala Botanical Gardens is located within the Hakgala Strict Natural Reserve. It is is one of the five botanical gardens in Sri Lanka. The gardens, thought to be the highest located in the world, actually climb up a slope, resting under the mighty blue shadow of the Hakgala rock peak. The gardens grow on a rock called Hakgala, which means ‘jaw-rock’. The British landscaped the gardens and made it a place of great beauty, where trees could be seen in their real green splendour of many moods, and 10,000 species of flowers would flourish, kissed, braced and fostered well by the cool climate which is one of the most pleasant found in the Island. Today Hakgala is gardens of roses, shrubs, ferns & montane woodland are delightfully located in salubrious environment, with small streams running across & wooden bridges built over them with birds flying all over. The charm of the Gardens, cold & shady atmosphere & enchanting sceneries soothes your mind relieving you of your anxieties.